How far along
28 weeks!!!How did 7 months come so quickly?
Best moment this week?
I'm going to go with this month since it's been 4 weeks since the last update:
Baby's movements are so much stronger and you can finally feel most of those movements on the outside. It's pretty fun to let Kev and others feel a good kick or head butt.
Had my glucose test and everything is all good to go. I wasn't to nervous about it but I guess you never really know.
We got our bumper & bedskirt in the mail yesterday and it's so cute!!!
Maternity Clothes?
Maternity Clothes?
Yes, very much so!
Stretch Marks?
No not yet. I hope with all the growing I've done already that they would have showed up by now if I was going to get any.
Stretch Marks?
No not yet. I hope with all the growing I've done already that they would have showed up by now if I was going to get any.
Kev talking to BabyO seems to help at times! Guess baby know daddy already :)
Food cravings?
Nothing in particular.
What I miss:
I've actually been craving beer last few days.
Food cravings?
Nothing in particular.
What I miss:
I've actually been craving beer last few days.
Mainly because it's been a bit stressful at work and an ice cold beer just sounds so good.
Also, sushi but I think I can manage refrain for another 3 months.
Lack of sleep for the most part.
Lack of sleep for the most part.
Had some random break outs which has been oh so fun to deal with.
Been going to yoga once a week still and I love it!
Seriously pregnant or not I suggest you try out yoga.
If you are pregnant it helps in so many ways: gets the blood flowing, relaxes you, creates some space as things get a bit more crowded, and helps tones muscles to help prepare you for child birth!
Gender Prediction?
Gender Prediction?
Honestly, lately I've been feeling like "BabyO" is a boy but I wonder if that is because we've had more people telling us they think it's a boy. That feeling will probably change though since I've been going back and forh this whole time.
Has not been great.
Trying to get comfy has been a challenge, but even then there are times I just can't stay asleep.
What I'm looking forward to?
I'm ready for our vacation we are taking next week! It'll be nice to get away for a little bit and it'll probably be the last vacation for a little bit.What I'm looking forward to?
I'm SO excited for our baby showers to happen. We have two in the first couple weeks of December.
As weird as it might sound I am kind of excited for our child birth classes. I think it's mainly because it means we are so close to actually meeting our little bugger.
I'm not sure if we get another ultra sound or not but I hope so! I would love to see BabyO again :)
Wisdom or other thoughts?
Honestly I don't have much overall. The experience of pregnancy just brings a plethora of thoughts and feelings.Wisdom or other thoughts?
It's been a very exciting process but I realized I've been very blessed to have a very easy pregnancy and I can only wish that others are as blessed/lucky.
However, whether you experience a lot of negative symptoms (nausea, heartburn, etc) or not pregnancy is a lot changes to get use to and experience in what feels like a very short amount of time.
I'm blessed to experience the miracle of bearing a child but there are moments when the changes become overwhelming and I'm ready to physically feel like my old self. I know emotionally I've never go back to how I used to feel about things because I love BabyO more than anything!
Happy Friday!