It's hard to believe that this weekend marked 7 years of being with my amazing hubs.
No, not all in marriage, but together in a relationship.
It doesn't feel like 7 years and I mean this in the best way possible.
Time has flown by and looking back brings back so many memories.
We've been through our ups and downs.
We've had our fun moments, and moments that real life has kicked us in the behind and have plain ole sucked.
We've changed and grown both together and as individuals as we've experienced and been experiencing new things in what seems to be almost every day.
College brought us a wealth of knowledge when it came to one another, ourselves, friendships, and of course prepared us for the big kid world.
Marriage has brought on it's own challenges and learning experiences.
Some we've really come to love and cherish while others are points that made us realize that we are never truly done trying to better ourselves and not just for ourselves but for each other.
Some we've really come to love and cherish while others are points that made us realize that we are never truly done trying to better ourselves and not just for ourselves but for each other.
Now we are moving on to a whole other chapter of bringing a life into this world.
3.5 months down and oh boy has it has already been a journey for the both of us.
I can't wait to take on parenting with someone I know will be a fantastic father.
I'm blessed beyond words.
Seriously, when it comes to how I feel about Kev and I's relationship I have a hard putting it into words because it means so much to me and I've gained so much from being with an amazing person.
I can't wait to see what the future holds for us because the past has been more than I ever would have dreamed of.
This song has recently hit the top 40 charts and couldn't be more appropriate for this occasion :)
This song has recently hit the top 40 charts and couldn't be more appropriate for this occasion :)
Happy 7 years babe, and here's to many more :)