About a week and a half ago Kev and I planned to go skydiving with one of his co-workers over in Middletown, near Dayton.
At a place called
Start Skydiving.
It was the greatest place! You felt safe and comfortable the whole time.
The guys we jumped with were amazing!
If this says anything they had a man named Clayton that had jumped on his birthday for the last 4 years.
This year, on Saturday, he turned 100!
A 100 year old man jumped out of a plane!!!!!
How awesome is that?
Saturday morning came and I was so excited...and super nervous!
We schedule early morning so we woke up at 5:00am to get there at 8:00am.
Yeah, I replaced my coffee with skydiving!
We get there, get all signed in.
They let us know when its our turn they will call us up, get us a jump suit and we'd be off.
So there are a lot of people in this hanger.
We find out some of them are an OSU class.
Um, why didn't I have a skydiving class option?!
They get credit for it too!
Due to amount of said people I'm pretty sure the three of us are all expecting it to take a while to get a move on since we were sure that some of them were jumping before us.
Nope, about 4 mins later we were called.
I think this is the moment I really start to realize what we are about to do.
Luckily though I still felt alright. Still nervous, and still excited!

Lee Ann loading up :)
All of us!
Almost to our altitude.
They opened that door & I got so nervous!
I'm already holding onto the harness for dear life.

Here we go!!!!
Looking at these gives me the goose bumps.
The first several seconds like this are the fastest.
I barely remembering being in this position.
I can finally get a good look around!
My camera guy was there pretty much the whole time.
He was close too, like high five-d me close!
It was comforting seeing him actually.
Finally looking straight down...
And this is the point I say "Holy shit!"
The camera guy is just doing his thing and falls beneath us.
He's laying back.
Can you imagine having that job?
Yep, laying on this back plummeting to the Earth, no big deal.
See ya!
The airport, aka the landing zone.
Coming in hot!
Seriously...we were coming in so fast, but apparently that's how it is!
WOOO! What a rush!
and I'm alive :)
My husband the astronaut lol.
Doesn't he seriously look like he's ready to board the shuttle?
I had an amazing time.
In less than 1 hour I had one of the best moments of my life!
I want to go again, and probably many more times after that!
Would you go skydiving?