Music has been something that I've absolutely needed the last couple of weeks. For my sanity. I am one of those people that can never not have the radio on in the car. It's to quiet, and what else is a car made for other than jamming out and singing at the top of your lungs? Ok, well I guess getting around is important too.
With the VMA's this last weekend, which does anyone else find it kind of strange the VMA's are still on MTV when MTV doesn't even play music videos anymore, other than at 5AM! Not hatin' on MTV you know Jersey Shore is my jam. I'm just saying. There seems to be a lot of driving lately, and music has been a way for me to relax or let loose and get me out of the stressful moods I have been finding myself in.
Anyways here is some music I'm lovin' this week.
I'm loving...Rumor Has it by Adele. Of course like many others since Rolling in the Deep has become popular I've become an Adele fan. I had heard some of her music before, but it never really stuck until then. However, I'd like to think I've expanded my love for her past the top 40 charts. I absolutely love her voice!
I'm loving...Otis by Jay-Z & Kanye West. Complete opposite end from Adele I know, but right now I can't get enough of this song. I like songs that can kind of get me pumped up and that I can dance too. I try not to limit myself to just one genre of music. I've been a Jay-Z & Kanye fan for a long time and my fandom is not going anywhere it seems.
I'm loving...Listomania by Phoenix. I really enjoy Phoenix, there is something about his voice that really draws me in. I like the beat of this song too, it's upbeat, fun, yet it's not to the point where you are fist pumping lol. It's easy going, it makes you feel good, it's that simple.
I'm loving...Where Them Girls At by Flo Rida, Nicki, and David G. Let me tell ya Flo Rida we are right here, and ready to shake our groove thangs. Thanks for the music that makes it possible!
I'm loving...Down By the Water by the Decemberist. I had heard some of their old music, not realizing it was them! I feel like that happens a lot. I've started to listen to them again, and I like it. Good voice, good melodies. I dig it.
I'm loving...Roll Away Your Stone by Mumford and Sons. I like they have started to come out more and be recognized. This is definitely a concert I would pay good money for!
I'm loving...Out of My Head by Lupe Fiasco. I just found out for a friend that Lupe is in town in September, and sadly, I'm going to have to miss it. I've been listening to Lupe a lot it seems, mainly his older stuff, but I really have been loving this song.
Most of my songs this week are up beat. Are you sensing that I need a little bit of release and music can do that for me? Thankfully. I feel bad for those people who can't just melt into music the way I can. With how busy things are I have needed up lifting music to keep me running, keep my spirits high, and to keep me having fun. That being said, I think it's time to throw on the earbuds and turn on the Pandora.