This site is now my life. There is entirely to much stuff for me to look at on here..I think I might need a pintervention. Already!
HELP! but just a warning good luck because I will not give up Pinterest easily.
I like this because it's true :D
I love this. The place both Kev and I were born & raised. And with football season right around the corner it might be a good addition to the home place :)
I cannot wait until fall is here! One big reason? The clothing! I LOVE fall clothing - light sweaters, jeans, and of course boots!
I bet she was surprised when she got off that ride! What a clever way to propose :D
Who wouldn't want a huge Scrabble board outside their house?! I would I can tell you that!
I would love to have this huge picture in my home :D :D Kev probably wouldn't like it so much though. Oh well, the Queen says she wants it, the Queen gets. Psh just kidding...sort of ;P
Pumpkin truffles. YUM! I'm going to learn how to make these before the 3 weekend in October, for Pumpkin Show!
Happy Wednesday :)

I got goosebumps at that proposal pic... I love Splash Mountain! What a cute idea. And I also LOLed at "Pintervention" Hahaha. There are definitely worse things to be addicted to!
pumpkin truffles oh my gosh, must have!!!
Audra - I know! I bet she was shocked. I love when people get creative with proposals. Makes it way more fun. The pintervention is needed already...I think I've only been signed up for like 3 weeks =/
Shane - I KNOW! I will have to let you know how they come out, but if they are good I will definitely make them alot more. Esp with the family pumpkin obsession :D lol.
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