Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday Letters

Hiii everyone :)

Yesterday was a friend, Kyle's, birthday!
We went out and celebrated at Fado's Irish Pub at Easton.
Can I just tell you that I've recently discovered my love for lamb and last night's meal completely solidified that fact with there amazing Pulled Lamb French Dip.
If you live near a Fado's I highly suggest making your way over there! All of the food there is amazing.


Linking up with Adventures of Newlyweds for some Friday letters!!


Dear Kev,
You really do amaze me everyday :)
Thanks for being an awesome husband & best friend!

Dear rainclouds,

Dear Readers/Followers,
77 followers! Am I dreaming? That is so awesome!
I can't thank you enough for reading and supporting this good ole blog :)
It's been an adventure for me and I'm glad to have the company of all you wonderful people for the journey!

Dear Starbucks,
The new Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino is going to be the death of me!!!
And then you have to make happy hour that starts today and runs for an entire week for half price Frapps apply to the Starbucks at work!
Death by Starbucks it is!
mmmm just look at the mocha cookie goodness!

Dear J. Simpson,
Thank god you've finally had your baby girl!
I feel like you've been preggers for years.
I'm being serious doesn't it seem like she's been pregnant for a lot longer than 9 months?!
 Now let's see some pictures of her!
Source: via E! on Pinterest

Dear co-workers,
Thanks for being awesome and making work fun!
Source: via Nico on Pinterest

Dear weekend,
I can't wait for you to get going. You are going to be a good one!
Mani, jewelry party, yoga, pedi, food,drinks, friends & family! Enough said right?

Happy Friday! 

Have a fun & safe Cinco de Mayo :)



Meghan @ More from Meg said...

Hahaha! I love that last picture of the baby - hilarious!!!! Happy Friday!

poptartyogini said...

Ugh. The rain. I know what you mean. I think the reason this week went so quickly is because I slept through it. I'm happy for Jessica Simpson too. I like her and I also feel like she was pregnant for an absurdly long time

The Management said...

I feel like J. Simps has been pregnant forever too. Weird.

Half price starbucks... I will be sending the prince to that to get me stuff for sure, aha.

Ashley said...

I felt like she was pregnant for a long time too! Strange!

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