Happy Friday everyone!
I'm so happy it's the weekend! Aren't you?
Today I have two link ups for you!
It was simple, and fun.
It was a great way to get to know another blogger.
It was a great way to get to know another blogger.
I was lucky enough to be paired with the very creative Krista over at Rustik Chic.
Go check her blog out!
She has a great little shop with some fantastic jewerly!
I was excited when I saw the brown envelope in the mail the other day!
Isn't it great to get a piece of mail that isn't junk!
Well, that was the whole point.
She sent me a great card, with a few fun facts about herself which included her love of quotes just like me!
She put 4 quotes in there on the cutest designed cards!
I'm working on getting little frames to put them in!
Thank you Krista!
I love the card & the quotes.
Most of all I've loved getting to know you and your blog through this swap!
Next up.
The Nail Files!
I've had my nails done like this for over a week, and I'm just now getting ready to link up about it. Blog fail.
Oh well, they are pretty :)
Happy Friday everyone :)